目前分類:維瑪資訊 (7)
- Jan 05 Thu 2012 18:17
恭喜維瑪居家網路創業家 榮獲五獎在2011年MARCOM比賽
- Jan 05 Thu 2012 18:09
新產品發表了~ 可以控制體重的bod-e ,在美上市嚕!!還有美國電視明星當代言人喔~
- Aug 19 Fri 2011 10:04
- Aug 17 Wed 2011 12:58
2011 亞洲額外獎勵 將再延長6個月!!
- Apr 23 Sat 2011 23:10
Vemma THIRST-維瑪渴望與美國市面上知名運動飲品比較&...
- Apr 23 Sat 2011 22:53
Vemma Business Overview with BK Boreyko
工作雖然很穩定, 但是卻不能保證能夠作得久:如果作得久, 還要熬很久~~
人生那麼短, 真的要委屈自己, 一輩子當一個生活無聊工作無趣的打工一族嗎???
就算當上科技公司的經理 領了也是一份死薪水
假如月薪5萬 一個月省吃儉用下來有4萬 1年48萬 10年480萬 20年960萬...
你的年薪=老闆月薪 你願意過這種生活嗎? 你能保證不會有其他意外嗎?
沒上班=沒薪水 一個人能力再強 24小時 也是一雙手 加班輪班代班上三班
- Apr 07 Thu 2011 19:31
恭喜VEMMA 突飛猛進 非常激動地宣布 創紀錄的增長 2011年第一季 增長30%
Vemma's Growing!
Vemma is thrilled to announce record growth during the first quarter of 2011! With renewed focus on the opportunity at the Power of Why Convention in February, field leadership has responded with a record month of worldwide recruiting and sales.
We had a hunch at the close of convention that it was our best event ever … and we weren’t wrong! Sales and recruiting are up by more than 30% post-convention, compared with an 18% increase following last year’s event.
Fired up by the Vemma Power of Why Convention 2011 and the secrets of success shared by powerful leaders and inspiring industry speakers, Brand Partners are hosting more events and meetings, while continuing to network and share Vemma with more people than ever before. Despite another record-high year in unemployment in the U.S. (Labor, 2011), many people have stopped looking for jobs and have started looking for an opportunity to do something different. Vemma is just that opportunity, offering the freedom to set your own schedule, work as much or as little as you want, and — best of all — the chance to transform your financial future. As people search for the means to improve their lives, the growing health and wellness sector stands out as the perfect avenue. More and more people are focusing on their health and realizing the need to supplement in order to give their bodies the best nutrition possible. Now is the time for better living. Now is the time for Vemma!
To get connected and boost your own sales and sponsoring efforts, check the Back Office for events in your area.