anyway recently saw some of shallow ppl..bcos of what~~i let u know who this person said something shallow words XD

oH i just got back from Australia " working holiday " and i passed the internations tour leader lience then so the who calling me asking me how to get the " tour leader" job..i said chicks NO WAY OK...and someone said " my english have " Australian accent so my english is good enought can speak like forigners english ~~ What hell damn no need any forigner accent english then just u need more respect the ppl then thats not about what u been stayed in which countries only u had really good commencens from this job ~~
second damn so ridicules thing ~~ Oh i heard about that forigners wife speak enlgish have a forigner accent so her english is good enough be with foringer...What a fucking u talk about no words ~~ and sigh sigh and so pathetic from this person ..too shallow

有個人去了一趟澳洲打工渡假, 就任為她很行很有國際觀很利害~~待在那兒一年有澳洲英文腔就覺的她的英文有住在國外人的腔調所以啊回國了~~去烤了一個"國際領隊證"的國家考試考上了及格了..就急急忙忙的來問我..可以去應徵那一家代團去...哇你老師咧..有怎麼容易喔...切..那個人又說了..若是要烤我英文我講英文已經有澳洲腔了沒有問題的...我真的給它三條線..那門子的說法...天啊怎麼有這麼膚淺又無知的人..還待過澳洲打工咧...哇你咧...頭腦裝屎喔...
再來的是....那個人又說了我的要好的朋友(男友是歪國人) 的他有老婆..我聽到她老婆在講英文有歪國腔所以英文一定也很好還有就是跟歪國人在一起是理所當然的...哇你老師可好...再次超級膚淺的對話...頭腦攏是屎啦...

客官啊..你來評一評啦....這麼有這麼八七又無知又頭瞉攏是屎的人供話(台語) 啦..來人啊..托出去啦~~唉喲喟啊..我的媽啊....

若這種人跑去做領隊..那不就整天在跟人調情要不然就在講有澳洲腔的英文嘔 =.=lll
    創作者 島嶼旅遊之金女郎 的頭像

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